Brands & Multiple Accounts

If you're working with branded accounts or are otherwise maintaining multiple personas, Snaps supports account access sharing and fast switching between accounts.

You can grant access to your account to other users in the User Profile dialog.

Grant Access Flow: 1. Click your user profile button; 2. Click "Grant / Revoke Access"; 3. Enter the username to grant access to

Enter the username of the person you want to share your account with, and press "enter" / "return" on the keyboard.

This will send an invitation email to the user you specified.

Switching Between Accounts

If you've accepted access to one or more other accounts, you'll see an account switching control in the User Profile dialog.

Switch Accounts Flow: 1. Click your user profile button; 2. Click the "Active Account" selection button; 3. Select the desired account

Once you've switched to another account, all of the actions you perform will be as that account. However, there are a few restrictions: changing the username or email address, or granting or revoking user access, are only available to the main account owner.