What's New in Snaps?

Originally sent to Snaps users June 6th, 2024


It's only been a few months, but we've been moving quickly to add new features and make Snaps even more compelling.

We haven't been announcing individual changes or reaching out regularly because we wanted to focus on the core product a bit more, but now we're ready and we think the current version of Snaps is powerful, flexible, and fun. We're excited to see what everyone does with it too!

Please keep Snaps in mind, whether you're hosting or attending an event. And, help spread the word.

Biggest Changes (Since Mid-April, 2024)

keep scrolling down for additional details about each change

Bullet Point

Sign in with Google

Bullet Point

User Profile Pages

Bullet Point

Dark Mode

Bullet Point

Tagging and Search

Bullet Point


Bullet Point

User Relationships

Bullet Point

Event Discovery

For Businesses and Organizations

Bullet Point

Photo Watermarking Support

Bullet Point

Brand Account Support

Bullet Point

Support for embedding Snaps Events in IFrames

Some Details

Sign in with Google

Initially, Snaps only supported sign in via email and leveraged one-time passwords (OTPs). While this was technically convenient and is still supported, waiting for login emails often felt painfully slow. Now, we've added support for Sign in with Google, which is much faster. We'll likely add support for Sign in with Apple as well, but haven't yet.

New users can sign up using Google directly. Existing users can link a Google login to their existing account.

To link a Google account to an existing account:

Link Google Account Flow: 1. Click your user profile button; 2. Click "Sign in with Google"; 3. Click "Link Account"; 4. Click "Continue with Google"
Bullet Point

Login via email if needed

Bullet Point

Click the user profile button (at the top-left of most Snaps screens)

Bullet Point

Click "Sign in with Google" and then "Link Account" and then "Continue with Google"

Bullet Point

Select the Google account you want to link

Once a Google account is linked, you can sign in using your Google account. You can still always sign in using email as well. You may also unlink your Google account later and link a different account, if ever needed.

User Profile Pages

The exact presentation of user profile pages changes depending if you're looking at your own profile or someone else's, but always includes a profile picture (if one has been set), any bio that has been provided, and a media feed (though access to these may also be restricted for private profiles).

User profile page

For your own profile, you'll see:

Bullet Point

Your relationships

Bullet Point

Your collaborators

Bullet Point

Event memberships

For other user's profiles, you'll see:

Bullet Point

Events in common with you

Bullet Point

Discoverable events

Dark Mode

Snaps uses your OS settings to choose between light and dark presentation modes.

Dark mode

Tagging and Search

For photos you've uploaded (or any post, if you are an event editor/owner), you can add and remove tags. Select multiple posts to add or remove in bulk.

Snaps supports hash tags (prefixed with '#') and user tags (prefixed with '@').

These tags, as well as any captions added to posts and the username of the post uploader, are searchable within the context of an event.

Use the "Add Tags" and "Remove Tags" buttons in media actions menus


Whether you have questions, want to provide updates, or just want to discuss something fun that happened, Snaps now supports live, in-event chat.

This feature is controllable by event editors/owners.

Chat dialog

User Relationships

Snaps supports three types of relationships: friends, family, and coworkers.

If you go to another user's profile page, you can assign as many of these relationships as appropriate. Once assigned, these relationships will appear when viewing your own profile page. We're considering adding more arbitrary, customizable relationship types in the future -- so let us know if that's something you'd use.

On event pages, you'll see options for quickly sharing events with people by these same relationship types. If you, for example, share an event with "friends", the event will show up as a discoverable event for all your friends.

Relationship-based sharing section

Event Discovery

Public events, such as those for concerts, should have their "publicly discoverable" setting set to either "always" or to an appropriate schedule. These will show up under "Discover" (on the home page) for all users.

Additionally, non-public events can be made discoverable by sharing events using user relationships (see above). These will show up, also under "Discover", but only for users that have been shared with.

Event discovery

Thanks so much for reading this very long newsletter. Please help spread the word about Snaps. Also, feedback is essential for us to keep improving the product, so thanks again and please keep it coming.

Happy Snapping!

Brian Westphal

CTO - Line Feedr Inc.